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Value Selling and Being Prepared for Buyers’ Tactics

process and success

The procurement function has become much more professionalized over the past decade. With the emergence of new professional purchasing practices and advanced technologies, the new generation of buyers and procurement agents are fearless. They are tech savvy, well prepared with negotiation tactics, and well-versed in the reverse engineering of value selling and value-based pricing proposals. Technologies have made their role super-efficient and focused on short-term cost savings and long-term business sustainability. Today, it is well understood that most the sales process has been replaced by...

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Generation Z is the Next Up-and-Coming Workforce – How to “Talk Their Talk” to Make the Deal

social media

Adapting to ever-changing trends and habits is something that companies should be used to by now to successfully flourish in business. In the world of selling, things are constantly changing. Generation Z (loosely, born between 1996-2010, depending on the source) is the current “young adult” generation, and they are a key factor in encouraging companies to increase their marketing awareness, particularly with the use of social selling. They appreciate the use of social communication and selling through the use of social media. The main focus of Generation Z is getting feedback from their...

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Part 2: Lessons for Tomorrow from Today’s Cybersecurity & Tech Leaders

cybersecurity webinar

At DecisionLink, we want to empower women to achieve more than what’s expected of us based on outdated stereotypes. In the second of our three-part webinar series about women in cybersecurity and technology, we talked to a new panel of female leaders. They shared what they’ve learned across decades in the industry, offering advice for both organizations and individuals at all levels and of all genders. We touched on personal responsibility for privacy and security, the development of a more inclusive workforce, and strategies for succeeding in an ever-changing world.

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Are B2B Buyers Becoming More Advanced?

4.5 star rating tech

The Internet has made it easy for people to search for anything and find everything. The same concept applies to buyers when they start searching for companies who meet their criteria. Researching a company before buying from them is nothing new. What is new is the level of information being accessed by potential buyers. This is not beneficial for sellers because some buyers are influenced by what they research. If the buyer researches a company and finds something wrong then the buyer will move on to another company. Instead of having someone tell them about the company the buyer just takes...

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Value is Not a Destination

teamwork climbing

David Brock is the Author of “Sales Manager Survival Guide,” CEO of Partners in EXCELLENCE and is a ruthless pragmatist. View David’s original post and read more of his work on his blog, Partners in EXCELLENCE, here.

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Understanding the Use of and Need for Modern Disruptors

online meeting pointing out notes

Businesses are constantly changing and thinking of ways to stay ahead of customers. Understanding customer needs is the number one thing businesses have to grasp and make sure they execute. Disruptors understand the insights of the industry enabling them to be a step ahead of the competition. Being a disruptor is not just limited to actual people in a company. Most disruptors have technology involved. In today’s world, almost everything is technology-based. Being able to understand the role of technology with selling is one of the most important things to ensure enterprise-wide success and...

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