John Porter and Kristina Cutter of DecisionLink recently led thought leadership discussions surrounding Customer Value Management and value selling for pre-sales leaders at the Pre-Sales Value Engineering/Pre-Sales Leadership Collective Fall Workshop on October 14, 2019.
Stay ahead with customer value thinking.
Handling Objections to Starting a Customer Value Management Program
A Customer Value Management (CVM) program uses metrics to ensure high levels of value are delivered to every customer based on their needs throughout the life of the relationship. Managing customer value as a practice and with an enabling application allows enterprises to treat customer value as a strategic asset and win business and retain customers more often; decrease discounting, accelerate deal cycles, market and showcase value, price more effectively and reduce churn.
Why Quantifying Customer Value is so Hard Part 2
John Porter
by John Porter, CTO and Co-Founder for DecisionLink
This blog is the second in the series on why quantifying customer value is so hard. (If you missed the first in the series you can read it here)
Productivity Benefits for Customer Value Management: Hard or Soft?
Why Is It So Hard to Quantify Customer Value?
John Porter