Bringing together the right people and processes to overcome uncertainty
Stay ahead with customer value thinking.
Customer Success (3):
Recession Buster #1: Validate That Your Core CVP Is Still Robust
A customer value proposition (CVP) cannot be static. It needs to be refreshed every 6-12 months to make a company stays in touch with market needs. That is the ideal case scenario. The reality is different. Most companies and start-ups focus on their core CVP at the beginning of their development and forget to manage it dynamically. The key word here is dynamically! When a recession looms, things accelerate and become much more dynamic. Customers’ perception of value and preference shift and sometimes in an extremely dramatic way. They prioritize spending and are much more focused on...
5 Ways to Collaborate with Your Customers and Drive Sales Success
The days of “selling to” someone is long gone. Instead, the best sales professionals ensure their customers are an active part of the process—and provide them with tools to become your internal champion in the process. Use these five steps to facilitate more proactive and effective collaboration with your prospects.
IDC Report: CVM as the Foundation for Customer Relationships
New IDC Spotlight Report: Highlights Value Management as the Foundation for Outcome-Based Customer Relationships
Voices from the Field: Progressing Deals with ValueCloud®
How to Calculate and Manage Your Customer Retention Cost
Companies track a lot of metrics, including customer acquisition costs (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and monthly recurring revenue (MRR). While these are all important to measure, one metric that often gets overlooked is the customer retention cost (CRC).