A customer value proposition (CVP) cannot be static. It needs to be refreshed every 6-12 months to make a company stays in touch with market needs. That is the ideal case scenario. The reality is different. Most companies and start-ups focus on their core CVP at the beginning of their development and forget to manage it dynamically. The key word here is dynamically! When a recession looms, things accelerate and become much more dynamic. Customers’ perception of value and preference shift and sometimes in an extremely dramatic way. They prioritize spending and are much more focused on...
Stay ahead with customer value thinking.
Value is Not a Destination
David Brock
The Obstacles of Selling and Keeping Your CVM the Priority
In the business world, making a sale is a great accomplishment. No matter how big or small the sale is, the feeling of having a successful sale is priceless. In order to have an outstanding sales deal is to understand the customer and their needs. Having a good sale doesn’t just mean selling the product or service. It means selling the product and making sure your customer is pleased with the customer service and product. A lot of times sales representatives are so focused on selling the products they forget about their customer. They forget to make a connection, or build a relationship so...